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Quality Sourced Honey

From Beekeeper to Finished Product: A lot of steps go into producing high quality Indian honey. It is not as easy as just putting it in a drum. Beekeeping operations in India are small. Most beekeepers only produce 1500kg (5 drums) of honey at a time. We travel the rural farm lands to directly source this honey from beekeepers. Once we have enough raw honey from about 15 beekeepers we homogenize the honey into 20MT (45,000 lb) lots. Since India is Tropical, the moisture of the honey is often 20-24% and needs to be dehydrated. Our state of the art facility dehydrates the honey and strains it to remove any impurities. After a final NMR test report, our Indian honey is ready for export to the US, Canada, Middle East, and Europe

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